Silicone baits have become the most common, convenient and affordable type of bait. Most of the models are aimed at predators and resemble small fish in shape, but there are also models that imitate plant and living objects for catching white fish.
The material for production is synthetic compounds that allow you to create baits of almost any shape. They repeat the movements of the prototypes in the water as realistically as possible, so buying silicone baits becomes a solution that guarantees success in fishing.
The production uses realistic dyes and glitter, so the variety of options is huge. On sale you will find models that closely resemble natural objects, as well as intentionally bright, aggressive options.
After manufacturers began adding attractants to synthetic bases, silicone bait became even more effective. Flavoring and aromatic additives, oils and salts began to be added both to the silicone itself and to the surface of finished products. This combination is called “edible silicone.” You can buy these silicone baits in different variations, depending on what kind of fish you plan to go hunting for. To preserve taste and smell, such products are hermetically packaged in zip bags. And so that the products do not become deformed during transportation and storage, they can be additionally packaged into blisters. By the way, the smell of such baits is not always pleasant, so sealed packaging also provides personal comfort for the fisherman.
Most often, jig baits are made from edible silicone. They are divided into active and passive. The first ones - vibrotails and twisters - play their own game. The latter can be created in the form of worms, crustaceans, and slugs. They move when the fisherman moves the rod. By the way, the same active fish are most often caught with active baits. Passive, lethargic – well-fed – predators are more susceptible to the effects of the second type of bait. Silicone baits can resemble the following aquatic inhabitants in shape:
• worms;
• larvae;
• frogs;
• crayfish;
• slugs.
There are also so-called creatures on sale - baits in the form of creatures that do not exist in nature. Fancy products with many processes, legs, tentacles, fins, antennae attract fish, they are ready to bite it.
In the online store Rybalka.ua, any silicone bait that you like will help make fishing more fun. If you have any difficulties, the consultant will help you find answers to your questions.