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Food & Drinks

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If you love outdoor activities, then you need to choose the right food and drinks for your trip. Depending on whether you are a fisherman, hunter, hiker or camper, your food and drink needs may vary.

Fishermen usually spend a lot of time on the water, so they need to ensure they have enough fluids. It is best to drink clean water or weak tea without sugar. Avoid alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks, as they can dehydrate the body and make you feel worse. When it comes to food, fishermen look for light and nutritious foods that do not spoil at high temperatures. For example, bread, cheese, sausage, canned food, dried fruit, nuts and chocolate. You can also take fresh fish with you if you are confident in its quality and safety.

Hunters typically engage in physically intense activities, so they need a lot of energy and calories. However, they also have to consider the weight and volume of their backpack, so it's best to choose foods that are compact and filling. For example, cereals, pasta, legumes, dry meat or fish, soups and cereals in bags. For drinks, you can take water, tea or coffee in a thermos. Alcohol is not recommended as it may impair concentration and reaction. You can also use cooked game or hunted game to cook over a fire.

Tourists usually take different routes and carry different loads. Therefore, they need to select food and drinks in accordance with their plans and capabilities. In general, the same products are suitable for tourists as for hunters, but you can add a little variety. For example, fruits, vegetables, eggs, dairy products, baked goods. For drinks you can take water, juices, compotes or fruit drinks. Alcohol can be consumed moderately in the evening or on a rest day.

Campers typically live in tents or trailers and have access to electricity and refrigeration. Therefore, they can afford more freedom in choosing food and drinks. For example, they can prepare a variety of dishes from meat, vegetables, fruits and grains, and also enjoy hot coffee or tea. Campers can also store food longer and avoid buying expensive or low-quality food from local stores. However, campers also need to practice safety and hygiene when preparing and storing food, and consider the weight and volume of food when planning a trip.

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